Greetings and Salutations!


Welcome to my attempt at blogging! Come along on my journey to “find myself”, or rather, to embrace myself. I am currently in a transitional stage in my life, which is both exhilarating and a little terrifying. Come along for the ride as i embark on this new path!
A little about me…i am 39, turning 40 next month. I am disabled, due to a congenital spinal disease. I am a pretty positive, optimistic person, which I’d like to fully explore and embrace, especially in a world where optimism is often met with suspicion. I am an animal lover, being the proud “mama” of 2 cats and living with friends that run an animal rescue group. I love to write and read, do crafts and cook. I love traveling and hope to do much more of it. I am currently learning how to live a full life despite my physical limitations. I have wonderful friends and family. All in all, i am blessed and grateful to be so.